Monday, September 10, 2007

Of dreams and fantasies.....

My daytime fantasies are usually born of my nighttime dreams. Every few months I have a really strong dream, and my fantasy usually revolves around that particular dream until the next dream. They usually involve me kicking a lot of ass, and the actual dream is embellished and expounded upon quite a bit until it may not longer be anything like the original dream at all.

It should be noted that I very rarely dream about actual sex. For me, it's more enticing to dream and fantasize the chase. Mental foreplay, if you will.

A few weeks ago, I had a dream that included a friend of mine in it. We'll call him "D". Shortly after that particular dream, "D" was at our house for a BBQ, and so was his sister. By way of greeting, I gave him a hug, and told him he had been in one of my dreams. He seemed pleased, and returned my hug. Now, I said this in front of other people, including his sister, but no one seemed to dare question me as to what my dream was about. Seeing as how I'm not stupid enough to open myself up to an embarrassing situation by referring to a explicit dream, I though it was kinda funny.

My dream? I punched my ex-husband in the face, turned and walked off with "D". (Yeah, I have some unresolved issues with my ex, but my therapist says I'm doing much better now!) And while my fantasies may have evolved beyond the dream, there still isn't anything rated R about them. They're still sexy and turn me on, but, to me, in general, the real thing can be so much better than any fantasy I may have.

Will I ever get to be with "D"? I don't know. Right now I'm enjoying the thought, but realize that the reality really never equals the fantasy. That, and I really like his friendship and don't really want to screw that up by making things "weird" for him.


A girl can dream, can't she?

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