Monday, November 19, 2007


Yeah, it's 1am, and I can't sleep. Don't know why, really. But it sucks.

My Main Man and I went to another 'event' on Saturday. We had a great time and took some fabulous pictures of me in my new 'dress', on a motorcycle (with a vibrating seat, no less!) I'll be posting them as soon as he uploads them to the network.

(okay, so he emailed them to me!)New 'dress'

A t-shirt I really liked!
The downside of the party: hooking up with someone just to have a hook up results in very bad sex for everyone. Bleh.

And this week's HNT will give you a glimpse of what was UNDER the new 'dress'!

Oh, and I had lunch with a very hot guy today. ;)

1 comment:

Bastet said...

You looked very good:) Like the outfit.