Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fuck the drama

I've decided that I'm going to refuse to allow my birth family to ruin my life and put me back on anti-depressants, and they can kiss my ass.

Of course, finding DickHats via Diva via Tess helped quite a bit! I've so got to order me some of those! (order is in! I'll post pictures as soon as they get here!)

Boys, it's almost Steak and Blow job day, hope you've got a girl lined up that likes steak! (I LOVE steak!) Sadly, I don't think my jaw could survive more than one blow job a day, so I'm not available to anyone I'm not married to.

1 comment:

Dee Dennis said...

I can't wait until they come out with that space helmet one. I have a nice little Star Wars fantasy already planned.

I was also thinking a little bit of caramel drizzled over it would be pure ecstasy.