Thursday, September 25, 2008

Post 100!

Holy crap!  I've made it to 100 posts on this blog!  And I'm WAY behind on a bunch of stuff.

First things first:

If you haven't heard about the New York City SexBloggers 2009 Calendar, you're missing out!  Some really awesome women are putting this together for Audacia Ray's Sex Work Awareness Project and it should be just as awesome as the women themselves.

Second, My Main Man and I get to attend a class taught by Midori!  I am SO very excited, and of course the first thing I did after registering was to order the expanded rope kit from Monk.  And it finally arrived in the mail today!  SQUEEEEEEE!

Isn't it pretty?!

And last, but certainly not least, I give you a lovely HNT for the week.

It's not quite the same as Tess' cleavage of the day, but it's my own personal version!  Hope you like!


Tess said...

Oh it is good. It is very good.

Pronto said...

oh yes, very nice.


Osbasso said...

Girls are looking mighty fine!

TMAME said...

Can't wait to start practicing with the new kit!

Anonymous said...

I like. A lot. A very lot. Yum. And I wish *I* could go to the rope class!!!