Thursday, February 26, 2009

Well, crap

I have been a total slacker and not posted anything at all except HNTs.  Oh well.  

Here's another!  *smile*

Yes, it was cold enough to be wearing that coat outside, and we were in an unheated basement, no less!

My Main Man bought me that coat as a Christmas present one of our first years together.  He had orginally bought me a different one early in November (missing the Christmas rush, smart guy), but I was a snot and wanted one with fur, so he very sweetly took me to return it and pick this one out BEFORE Christmas.  I make sure to tell him several times each winter season how much I L.O.V.E. my coat.  


Dee Dennis said...

I remember the good old days when I used to read this blog. Has life gotten in the way?

Osbasso said...

Are you insinuating that posting HNTs isn't a noble effort?? ;-)

Hope you're not too swamped with real life!