Thursday, September 10, 2009


Miss me?  Yeah, me too.  Real life has been absolutely crazy, and it doesn't look like it's going to get any more sane than it is right now! 

So both of my kids are in school (well, one is in preschool) and I actually have time to myself (HA!).  Of course, Monk had to go and ask for photos for his website, so I've spent all my free time this week either being photographed or taking photographs.

I highly recommend tying up cute boys and taking pictures of them!

So for this week's HNT here's one of the extra pics we did:

Oh, and we've booked both our flight and our hotel room for the Calendar Launch Party in New York!  Can.not.wait!

1 comment:

Dee Dennis said...

Is he bringing me those long promised cookies?