Thursday, December 6, 2007


So last week, Monk, of Twisted posted this on his blog. How fucking cool is that!?

Well, for Christmas this year, I wanted this, along with a pair of boyshorts and a stealth cami. My Main Man said I was totally worth it and to go ahead and place my order.

Naturally, I made a note mentioning that I would like a boot print as well, which prompted an email exchange between Monk and myself. After letting him know of my posting name (vs. the real name I used to make the order), he told me he would personally be putting my box together!

Squeeeeeeeeeeeee! I may have to order another pair of boyshorts to actually wear, so I never have to wash the ones he steps on!

I will be taking pictures, though!

1 comment:

Bastet said...

Nice:) You will have lots of fun:)