Thursday, April 29, 2010

Birthday HNT

This past Tuesday was my birthday, and we celebrated Saturday night by going to a certain funky bar here in town.  TMAME got me way too drunk and I spent more time puking than I did dancing.  He's not ever allowed to do that to me again.  

I finally got around to checking my camera on Monday, and realized that he took a LOT more pictures than I remember him taking!  Mostly of my boobs.  

So, for HNT this week, I give you Birthday Boobs!


Ang said...

WOOOOOOOOOT! Yay for birthday boobs! My day has been made!

Osbasso said...

Hooray for APRIL birthday boobies!

Anonymous said...

hahahhaha i find this funny that your that big of a slut to brag on a fucking blog how good you are at sex and that you squirt